Fulfilment by amazon

When I first began to sell goods on amazon I sold everyday items I found around the house, I also flipped products I bought online or through charity shops. Although very fun and profitable I always had my eye on another prize, fulfilment by amazon (FBA). With fba you simply (well not all that simply)... Continue Reading →

Using social media to sell online

So once I started my online business it became clear social media was the online king of driving traffic. Right now my preferred routes of advertising include Instagram and using promoted pins on Pinterest. Here are some of my observations Value value value…then ask for business Having your Instagram spammed with people asking you to buy... Continue Reading →

Hustling and charity shop fun!

So today I headed into town the sole purpose of rummaging through all the local charity shops with the goal of finding hidden treasure. By this I mean of course finding goods I could flip online for a nice profit! Here are some of my observations about the day I just had. Finding stuff to... Continue Reading →

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